Join The Millions Of Men Who Strive To Make A Difference

Navigating the Evolving World of Masculinity

We are driven to promote self-love, healthy relationships and everyday kindness. Together we can make a difference.

As we grow up, we are socialized into beliefs, attitudes and definitions that guide our understanding of the world. Some of these shape our character and make us resilient. Some can lead us to unrealistic expectations and harm our relationships.

Through the incredible support of White Ribbon, we can better understand those unrealistic expectations and learn where we can be better.

Why It's Important To Break The Silence 

Take The Course And Learn How To #BePartOfTheSolution

Take the first step toward becoming a better man and ally to all communities by downloading our curriculum for free. Start the journey of self-improvement and help build a safer and more equitable world for all.


What’s In The Curriculum?

Men Who Have Embraced Healthy Masculinity

I felt lost and alone, and everything I've done hurt the people I cared about. I was referred to White Ribbon and was able to recognize how to become a better person. Thank you to the White Ribbon team for showing me the way.,

Start Your Journey To Become A Better Ally

We're here to help guide you on your journey towards self-improvement and to join the movement towards creating a better world for all. 

Take your first step in building a brighter future by learning about our free course. Let's work together to promote safety, equity, and positivity in all communities.


The Blueprint for Building Positive Relationships

Our guide helps young men understand how the boxed traditional expectations of masculinity can be harmful in a variety of ways, and learn how to limit them. We talk about things like gender-based violence and consent to promote healthy relationships. 


We also focus on allyship, which means standing up for others and learning from their experiences. By learning about these issues and how to address them, young people can break free from the traditional "boxed" expectations and build a more fair and safe society for everyone.

Traditional expectations surrounding men's behaviour have resulted in many young males struggling with their identities and victims suffering from actions promoted by what is known as "toxic masculinity".

In this module, we explore the notion of toxic masculinity, the harm it has caused in the world, and the actions we can take to cease its impacts on us and future generations. After completing this module, you'll gain a clearer understanding of the difference between toxic and healthy masculinities, consent culture, and healthy relationship behaviours.

What are the Issues?

While gender stereotypes are unrealistic and unfair, they are often regarded as social norms, creeping their way into our day-to-day lives and affecting our decision-making processes.

In this module, we delve deeper into the ways that gender-based violence (GBV) is caused and embodied in our world, so that we can recognize its patterns and take action to fight against it. We also debunk myths surrounding GBV and provide a deeper understanding of the concepts of gender equity, gender equality, and intersectionality. Upon completing this chapter, you'll gain more knowledge of how to provide support to those impacted by GBV.

What is Gender-Based-Violence?

Long-term societal change requires commitment not just from one person, but from a group of strong allies who unite with the shared goal of making our world a better place for everyone.

In this final chapter, we invite you to join each other on a journey to become more skilled at managing emotions, navigating relationships, fighting against gender-based injustices, and creating safer spaces both online and in real life for everyone, regardless of their gender. Upon finishing this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to become an ally who can help promote a more equitable and just world.

Becoming Part of the Solution

I felt lost and alone, and everything I've done hurt the people I cared about. I was referred to White Ribbon and was able to recognize how to become a better person. Thank you to the White Ribbon team for showing me the way.,

Copyright 2023 White Ribbon ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

CRA Registration Number: 141050708 RR0001

Take The Course And Learn How To   #BePartOfTheSolution